Approach and Philosophy

Our philosophy is rooted in four standards: We will be Evidence-Based, Client-Centered, Collaborative, and Holistic.


We use techniques and practices that have been proven through years of study, research and experience. We know what we do works because (a) we have seen it work in our practice and in our own lives and (b) there is science and real-world evidence to back it up.


Each of our clients is unique and we treat them that way. We honor our client’s values and goals. We listen and try to understand how things are in your life from your point of view. Our goal is for you to feel respected and listened to during every interaction we have. We approach every situation from a position of non-judgement and acceptance.


We work together with you.  We believe you are the expert on yourself!  We join you to work as a team on your behalf, on your relationship’s behalf to achieve your goals.   In the end, each client must find solutions and resolutions that are rooted in their own values and world-view.


Holistic therapy theory holds that a person exists in mind, body and spirit. We collaborate with you in therapy to help you gain awareness of the connections between your emotions, thoughts, physical experiences, and spiritual orientation. We work with you to gain a deeper understanding of how each of these components work together in harmony to support a healthy daily life. This deeper understanding of the whole self can often lend itself to greater self-awareness, self-esteem, and self-acceptance.

Resolve to be tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant of the weak and the wrong. Sometime in life you will have been all of these.

– Lloyd Shearer